Chartres to Clermont Ferrand 31st July 2012
I actually found a channel on tele that wasn't the Olympics - unless Fishing is an Olympic sport! I couldn't understand much because it was in French - aquatic French even!

A good old F1 brekkie except they had run out of muesli after a tablespoon in my bowl do I topped it up with chockie stuff! Worked ok surprisingly.

Art shot!

Fuel prices are not too bad with the strong pound - 1€ 50 average so about £1.30 a

This is the only stop made other than services - I am so ashamed because there was some superb scenery en route but this decision to go via the Route National makes it a speed drag and stopping when you want is not quite like the D Roads.

I have a new map - its different to my old 2006 one and my 5 year old Sat Nav. Looks like so many roads have changed I will have to invest in a new Sat Nav!!!
Best laid plans - I didn't book Clermont Ferrand F1 and when I got there it was full!!! Luckily an ETAP 15 miles down the road I need to be on had room albeit quite a bit more expensive.
Tomorrow is a shortish ride to Millau to see if I can camp and then over the Millau Bridge - looking forward to riding in the clouds!


Unfortunately the meal was awful - note to myself - Don't eat at Buffalo Grill again it's not what it used to be!

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