Isle of Man 2013

This year I decided to visit the Isle of Man - a place steeped in biking history and legend and one place I have never ventured.
I have never really fancied doing the IoM TT thing and so kind if put it out of my list of places to go. However this year I needed to find a short hop tour and it just so happens that there is nothing on on the Island this first week of August so here I go. I am camping for the week and will base myself at Peel.

The wind farm seen from the sea looking towards the shore is a rather unattractive blight on the coastline beyond Llandudno. The ferry leaves from Liverpool it has to negotiate the Mersey so you might say I took a ferry across the Mersey - try saying that without putting on a Liverpool accent!
The ferry crossing was largely eventful but I was impressed by the Steam Packet Fast Ferry. Arrival in Douglas was very straightforward with none of the usual customs and hustle and bustle of our other European ports.

I have based myself at the western coast town of Peel. The island is so small it doesn't really matter where you stay as crossing east to west takes no more than half an hour on the bike.

Interesting to see a huge effort to retain the Islands language - Manx Gaelic

Peel has some great opportunities for sunsets and interesting evening light.

I couldn't resist a photo of this house nameplate

Their own money as well and I found out that they still have a £1 note as well as a coin in circulation.

Vikings playing chess in Ramsey.

This is Laxey Wheel - a significant landmark in the IoM.

But isn't the beach always wet!?
Here are some views if Peel.

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